Barcelona: C.S.O.A. La Nave Espacial threatened with eviction

CSOA-LaNave-EspacialC.S.O.A La Nave Espacial in Barcelona received notice that they will be brought to court on the 28th of May.

What is La Nave Espacial?

We are a self-run Artistic Social Center that for the last five years has offered a free space for circus, music, theater and dance creation. Over the years we have successfully developed free workshops, cabarets, musical showcases, projections, expositions, family days and festivals (PobreNou, now in its fourth year). The Nave Espacial is at 176 Ávila street in Barcelona, in one of the old and previously-abandoned warehouses in the Poblenou neighborhood.


How can you enjoy the space yourself? FREE!!!

  • Free workshops and classes

  • Participate in the festivals, cabarets, showcases and artistic projects

  • Family activities

  • Free use of the facilities (gymnasium, dance room, music room, flamenco room)

  • Free space for training/rehearsals from Monday to Saturday between 11am and 11pm

Why do we need your support?

Our Social Center received notice that we will be brought to court on the 28th of May. The notice comes with an eviction order, fixed for the month of July 2013. The denunciation was presented by the construction company which owns the property, Sacyr Vallehermoso.
We need your help to:

  • Continue our cultural and artistic activities, as alternatives to capitalism

  • Prevent the loss of these spaces in our city and the world over

  • Promote human relationships beyond the material domain

How can you help us?

  • Sign the online petition

  • Get to know us, and get to know the movement

  • Share your initiatives with us

  • Join us in the street on the day of our court date (28th of May)

  • Participate in events at the Nave

Foto: Daniel Bernal Picazo

Foto: Daniel Bernal Picazo

For more information on how you can help us we invite you to visit our pages:
Follow our page on Facebook: La Nave Espacial Antidesalojo
Check out our blog:

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