Italy: Eviction of Baita Clarea

Eviction of “Baita Clarea”(a house constructed by activists which is in the area of the future highspeed train line) and murder attempt in Val Susa.

On saturday a peaceful nationwide demonstration of more than 50,000 participants against the construction of a highspeed train line between Torino and Lyon took place in Val Susa in the west of Torino. After the demonstration the police started beating up about 500 participants of the demonstration on their way home to Milano at the central train station in Torino.

This morning (monday) at 8.00 a.m. the eviction of Baita Clarea started without preliminary announcement. To resist the eviction one of the activists, the 37 years old Luca Abbà, climbed a hightvoltage pole. Chased by the police he fell down the pole from an estimated 15 meters and was in the beginning facing death risk.


So long the prognosis for Luca is uncertain and will maintain for the next 48 hours.

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